Thursday, January 21, 2010

What Would L. Ron Hubbard Do?

What in the world do the Haitian people need with a bunch of Scientology "ministers" being airlifted in by the good graces of John Travolta ? Talk about going from the ridiculous to the sublime. I get really peeved at people with their own agendas offering their questionable services to the devastated people of Haiti. With every article I read, the more peeved I become.

The American Life League, in all their self-righteous regalia, are trying to keep a women's health organization out of Haiti. The health organization wants to be there for the thousands of Haitian women in their last trimester of pregnancy who need safe, clean deliveries. ALL, though, seems to think that they are just going there to offer abortions. Yadda, Yadda, Yadda and meanwhile people are getting sick and family members are searching for each other and who needs more trouble from these idiots?

Pat (Whack-Job) Robertson is pontificating about how the Haitians are suffering the wrath of God due to some pact he says they made with Satan. So it seems that Old Scratch has group deals that can include whole countries. Well, we all remember when Robertson predicted that Orlando would be plowed under by a hurricane because the city allowed the flying of Rainbow Flags for Gay Pride Week. Now he is using an entire nation to add flavor and color to his endless proselytizing.

People are not using their heads and others are just using these poor people, period. I have to wonder about the mental acuity of some individuals. Two churchy types from New Jersey flew to Haiti to "volunteer" and didn't have the slightest idea of what to do. They wound up stranded at the airport and just where did they think they were going to stay? People are sending packages that contain things these folks can't use. What does a Haitian need with a winter coat and a pair of high heels?

Food, medicine, shelter, clean water and comforting are the order of the day and that can best be provided by those with no self-serving agenda and with experience in disaster relief. The hospital ship has reached the Haitian port and nations are sending out their military relief units. We can give to the organizations that have proven to be legitimate such as the Red Cross and UNICEF, we can pray if that is our way, or just send warm thoughts of comfort and strength.

But let's leave our religions out of the mix and keep our political and social battles at home. And, for Pete's sake, leave the insane drivel of Hubbard's cult out of it.


Von said...

And our baby lust out of the faces of Haitians as we try to steal their children.By the way the Red Cross doesn't get off it's backside the way it should when using the money of generous caring people.

Robin said...

I hear you, Von. Yours is the second comment I have heard about the Red Cross and its 'too little, too late' performance.