The New York Daily News carried a very telling story on Sarah Palin's reception, or lack of a warm one at the GOP Governor's gathering, here in FL. It would seem that her fellow Republicans are not all on the good ship "Palin in 2012" as much of the media would have us believe. The article states that she received the "cold shoulder" and it certainly looks like it, here.
This is one issue where I am counting on the good sense of all the voters in our nation, conservative, moderate or liberal. The time has certainly come for a female Commander-In-Chief, in eight years, perhaps, but, Dear Goddess, NOT this one!I really have a problem with the rumors and the idea that this is something that should even be addressed at this time. Let's give our 44th President a chance before we start looking four years down the line.
I have a number of issues with Palin, not the least of which is her lack of intelligent information and experience and her knee-jerk conservatism, but the biggest one is her itch to continue giving political clout to the Religious Right. As an evangelical of the fundamentalist variety, she would definitely hit Roe v Wade, birth control, services for the poor and minorities, gay infinitum. This is NOT the American way.
Our constitution guarantees freedom of religion which, by implication, also guarantees freedom FROM religion. It also guarantees separation of church and state, a constitutional promise that has been played with in a fast and loose manner for the past eight, long, hard, horrible years. Now, I don't care if you are "born again," main-stream Protestant, traditional Catholic or any other brand. If it is good for you, the good FOR you. But your doctrine and dogma has NO place in our national halls of government and in our laws.
Religion deals with morals and the idea/promise of an afterlife and is a private matter for all Americans, or it should be. Laws deal with ETHICS and human rights and that is where the dividing line is, for me. Bush stepped over that line and so would the likes of Barbie "Moose killer" Palin. For this reason, I have started this be one voice that refuses to let someone else's theology determine my rights and to, please Goddess, keep the White House safe from the "Duh!" factor.
I have another blog that is all about the effects on mothers of loss to adoption and the injustices of a bygone era. This blog is to address the injustices of THIS current era against any and all citizens. Our economy is in the toilet, our children and grandchildren are in the Middle East being used as human targets just to keep the oil flowing and Uncle Sugar is still strutting around, acting like the Ugly American. We have a lot of work to do and I don't envy President-Elect Obama his position. He is taking over the helm at one of the most critical points in our history. I hope he gets the support of all Americans as well as our prayers or thoughts of strength and hope.
And for Goddess' Sake, get this odious woman out of the limelight!
La Palin has barely shut up since the election. She is all over the news every day. No matter what she says to the contrary, she is on the hunt for 2012, I am as sure as I am sitting here. She is a dangerous woman.
Keep up the good work, my Friend. I didn't get that you had started another blog...duh!!! Sorry for being obtuse. I didn't sleep last night and am packing to move today, so am a little overwhelmed and underaware. LOL
Thanks, Robin. Good job, as usual.
Robin, congrats on the new blog. Kudos! I couldn't agree more.
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