Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Coulter Finds Out There Are Other Cultures Out There

The Ann Coulter Talking Doll
Pull The String And Watch Her Alienate The Rest Of The World!!

I found this article totally delicious. Coulter is just one more pundit that needs to expand her mind which is shut tighter than a cheese-eater's spincter. Our neighbors to the north are giving her a lesson in manners and it thrills me to the core. I want to break out into a chorus of "O Canada." Take this, you mouthy misanthrope! And thanks to The Huffington Post for the article. And, were I younger and still able, I would love to have Provost Francois Houle's babies.

Canadian University Warns Coulter To Watch Her Mouth

A Canadian university has forewarned Ann Coulter to be mindful of what she says when she speaks on its campus this week.
The National Post reports that University of Ottawa Academic Vice President and Provost Francois Houle e-mailed the controversial pundit on Friday. He wrote: "Our domestic laws, both provincial and federal, delineate freedom of expression (or "free speech") in a manner that is somewhat different than the approach taken in the United States. I therefore encourage you to educate yourself, if need be, as to what is acceptable in Canada and to do so before your planned visit here." He continued, "Promoting hatred against any identifiable group would not only be considered inappropriate, but could in fact lead to criminal charges."
Houle also reminded Coulter of the strong Canadian tradition of "restraint, respect and consideration."

In response to Houle's e-mail, Coulter wrote on Big Government that she was "hoping for a fruit basket" from the university -- "not a threat to prosecute."

Coulter's visit also raised the ire of some students on campus. According to Macleans, University of Ottawa students started a "Ban Coulter from Campus" Facebook group and forbade signs advertising the talk from being posted in a main campus building.

Coulter, while known primarily for her barbs aimed at the Middle East, has been critical of Canada. She once said that Canadians "are lucky we allow them to exist on the same continent."

(I can't believe she said that. And we wonder where the term, "The Ugly American" comes from. *rw)

Friday, March 5, 2010

Can You Divorce Your Country?

It's well known by those that love me and those that don't that I have long marched to a different drummer. But the cadence and direction of my marches have changed over the years. I am more laid back, more self-sufficient and less prone to get my tender feelings hurt. But one thing has not changed and that is my deep and abiding conviction that one's religious beliefs or absence of same is one's own business and should not be forced on anyone else.

I grew up in the northwest corner of South Carolina. When someone from out of state moved to our lovely county of Spartanburg, the first question asked was not about one's profession or family. No. The first thing out of the mouths of the good people of Spartanburg was (and probably still is), "Where do you attend church?" Heaven (pun intended) help the poor person who answered, "I don't go to church." There are more churches in that part of the country than there are schools.

I have noticed the difference in the tone and tenor of our country as opposed to Canada and other western European nations. Our rigid, Puritanical heritage has left us socially stunted. We judge, we shame, we blame and we are as convinced as any Muslim that our religion is the only true one. We are more upset if an elected official has extra-marital sex than we are if one starts a senseless war. We are also arrogant in our dogged assumption that USA-style capitalistic democracy is the only way to go for the rest of the world.

True patriotism is NOT this blind. I am so glad that my husband and I are retiring to a very rural area where there is a lot of space between neighbors. I am tired of opening my door to see Mormon "missionaries" and Jehovah's Witness ladies with all their publications. Even our local public television station here in central FL has more than its share of religious programming. There are six, count 'em, six religious television stations on my satellite service. I can't move without seeing a church, an anti-choice bill board or license tag, or the little "Jesus fish" stuck on the back of a vehicle. I am tired of Confederate flags and "Bring Back Palin" bumper-stickers. I will leave the country if that reactionary nutbar is elected to any high office in our federal government.

I want a little refuge from the rampant hate, intolerance and ignorance that is our political and, unfortunately, spiritual atmosphere. Let's face it. The self-righteous right wing is going to do all in its power to undermine anything that anyone with a social conscience tries to accomplish. I am discouraged and ready to become a curmundgeonly hermit. I find all the interaction I need with my husband and my little dog. I am becoming less enamoured of a social life than ever before.

Nah. That's just a rant, brought about by a feeling of frustration and helplessness. I'll keep my friends and family. And I'll keep on commenting and voting and writing letters and maybe, just maybe, someone will listen.