Monday, December 22, 2008

Bye, Bye Cheney!!

A New York Daily News columnist has said something that I have been wanting to say for a while; that it will be a relief to get Dick Cheney out of the picture.

Mike Lupica's piece on the lame duck VP was right on the money. Never has there been anyone that close to the presidency that shouldn't have been. His influence was bloated past what that of the second-in-line should have. His machinations were evil and his defense of the policies of the last eight years are egotistical, arrogant and really "out there."

It really boggles the mind that this person still thinks that his and Bush's policies were right. I can only breathe a sigh of relief that he is on the way out. I think he knew better than to pursue the presidency in the last election. The GOP would have been defeated in greater numbers than they were. Having Cheney in the oval office would have been like having the coyote preside over the rabbit hutch.

I am thrilled that we are seeing the last of this manipulative, self-seeking, arrogant politician. He will never, as Bush will never, have the title of "Statesman." Neither of them has the integrity or the true best interests of the country at heart. Like most far-right wingers, they mouthed platitudes and religious rhetoric, but they looked out for themselves and their cronies and the masses, ie., the rest of us, could go hang. Self-righteous in their assumed "moral" stances, they sinned just as greatly, if not more so, than their predecessor. Hey, it's OK to lie in order to profit from the deaths of thousands in a war, but sexual peccadilloes are impeachable offenses? Someone explain that one to me.

We are well rid of the outgoing administration. Dubya is dumb but arrogant. Cheney, God/dess help us, is cagey, scheming and arrogant. I wonder how we lived through it and how we are going to live through their "legacy?" They are like the bad guests. The intruded, outstayed their welcome, expected to be treated like royalty and left the place a mess.

We have a lot of cleaning up to do.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Get Over It, Already!

All righty, now, short and sweet. The court seems to have made their decision and it is time for these people who are going out of their way to try to block our legally elected, 44th president from taking office to back down and let things be. I knew that there were going to be any number of bigots, fear-mongers, far-right-wing nutbars and sour grapers doing their thing after the election, but this is getting ridiculous. It's mighty darn funny that they didn't bring this up with equal vigor when the campaign was in full swing. No, they wait until the man is elected to try to push their accusations of lack of proper citizenship on the part of President-Elect Obama into the courts. These are frivolous charges and frivolous lawsuits that were bound to fail, but these buggers had to try. The misinformation being spread all over the Internet is the usual, baseless spam and hoax idiocy that has plagued the 'net since it became generally available. The problem is that, on the unregulated Internet, anyone can say anything about anyone and get away with it. It becomes the province of the slandered to disprove what the slanderers CAN'T prove. What a world. Let's hope this one, shot down by our Supreme Court, dies a natural, quiet death.